Every mother’s dream is to have a healthy baby. NSACP provide services for antenatal mothers to deliver a baby free of any mother to child transmitted STD in collaboration with Family Health Bureau and Maternal and Childcare services of Ministry of Health.
NSACP provide services for Antenatal women for prevention, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. With the implementation of the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission program island wide service provision and testing of pregnant mothers are integrated for the maternal and child health care package though the local medical officer of health.
- Prevention information for adolescents, premarital counselling, and antenatal mothers.
- Providing IEC material to all antenatal mothers at the clinic and mother who attend STD clinics.
- Screening every pregnant mother who attend the antenatal clinics with HIV and syphilis testing.
- Providing treatment and care services and follow up to antenatal mothers who are diagnosed with syphilis, HIV, and other Sexually transmitted infections.
For Further info about EMTCT