IEC, Advocacy and Condom promotion

This programme area is responsible for planning and implementation of information, education, communication (IEC), Advocacy and promotion of means of prevention among most-at-risk-populations and general population in Sri Lanka.

Scope of work

  1. Development of IEC material
  2. Promotion of means of prevention (Condoms etc.)
  3. Advocacy to the stake holders and political commitment.

Scope of work

Scope of work
  1. To work within and support the relevant NAC technical working group to develop and regularly up-date national policies, strategies, guidelines, and protocols for implementation of IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services in Sri Lanka.
  2. To collaborate with senior management team (SMT) and other relevant authorities in decision making and carrying out of IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services.
  3. To work with other NSACP Units to develop comprehensive and coordinated plans for implementation of the National Strategic Plan and other relevant activities.
  4. To coordinate and work in partnership with public, private, civil society organizations, and development partners at local, national, and international level.
  5. To maintain IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services through the service delivery points of the National STD/AIDS control Programme in quality assured manner.
  6. To coordinate with and support institutions within and outside the Ministry of Health in the expansion of appropriate, high-quality IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services.
  7. Training and capacity building of individuals/institutions in the public, private and civil society organizations on IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services, in partnership with relevant programme areas in the NSACP.
  8. To supervise and monitor the quality of IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services in the programme.
  9. Provision of technical support, assistance and guidance to provinces, districts and other organizations and agencies in improving quality IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services.
  10. Need assessment and provision of technical assistance for supply and procurement of necessary items or services for IEC, Advocacy, and promotion of means of prevention services.