The training unit of the National STD/AIDS Control Programme conducts comprehensive training programmes for all categories of STD clinic staff throughout the year based on an annual training plan. Those programmes consist of pre-service, in-service, refresher, undergraduate, postgraduate, and international training.
Pre-service training
All healthcare workers should undergo mandatory training within six months of enrolment in the STD clinics. Medical officers attached to the STD clinic should undergo compulsory two months of theory and practical training at NSACP, Colombo. Other major health staff such as nursing officers, public health nursing sisters, matrons, medical laboratory technicians, pharmacists, public health laboratory technicians, dispensers and public health inspectors undergo two weeks of training which consist of theory, practical, case discussion, small group discussion and outreach work. Supporting staff such as attendants, Saukya Karya Sahayaka and Lab orderly are also given one-week training at NSACP.
Refresher training
Refresher training is being conducted covering all provinces.
Undergraduate training
Medical students from local medical colleges and nursing students from Nursing schools are having undergraduate training at Central and district STD clinics.
Postgraduate training
The Postgraduate training in Venereology has been conducted since 2002 in collaboration with the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo. Diploma trainees, MD trainees and post-MD trainees in Venereology are trained under the supervision of consultants in NSACP and other district STD clinics that are accredited by PGIM. Trainees in other specialities such as diploma trainees of Microbiology, Family medicine and Child Health, and MD trainees of Microbiology, Virology, Community Medicine, Forensic medicine and Dermatology were trained for the management of STD and HIV.
Special training programmes
Special training programs are held throughout the year for the NSACP staff regarding various aspects such as counselling, PrEP pilot project, EIMS, etc.
NGO related training
Training programmes are being conducted for NGO staff and peer educators to achieve goals in KP-related targeted interventions
Guideline and module development
The main aim of the training and capacity building unit of NSACP is to train healthcare workers to provide good quality services on the island via STD clinics. Development of modules and guidelines for training programmes are developed by the training and capacity-building unit of NSACP. The unit works with relevant authorities to develop and regularly up-date on guidelines, and training curricula for the implementation of training and capacity